Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Not As Easy As It Looks

When I first began my blog I thought it would be easy. I mean how difficult is it to just post 8random thoughts? Hah! I haven't posted in a month, even longer on another blog. It's not that I don't have anything to say. Lord knows I have plenty to say. It's just that I haven't found an acceptable way to articulate it.

It's easy to just enter anything when you don't know anyone that may venture to your blog. But once people began to advertise your personal space (thanks a lot MOTHER!) then you have to begin to worry. Well at least I do. I constantly ask Does this make me sound ghetto? Is this too militant? Will someone perceive this as racist? By the time I finished censoring myself, I couldn't remember what I was originally writing about. Or better yet, I get an idea and begin writing about it. It seems like a good topic mentally but somehow by the time it appears on screen, I have to ask myself what the heck was I thinking. There really should be a warning label for newbie bloggers.

CAUTION: This isn't as easy as it looks.

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