Sunday, March 05, 2006

Scandal in Laurens (Act II)

Outraged parents are now petitioning for the resignation of the E.B. Morse Principal. This is a result of the arrest of Wendie Ann Schweikert in late February for allegedly molesting an 11-year old student at E.B. Morse.

There are mixed feelings in the community. Some people believe that the villain has already been dealt with and feel the principal should not be held accountable. Others believe this situation could have been prevented had the principal followed up on complaints about the teacher.

Before you make up your mind let's review some of the facts reported by various news resources.

  1. The mother contacted the school principal prior to arrest complaining about the teacher's contact with her son. She had the boy transferred to another class.
  2. The teacher engaged in sexual acts at least twice in the school following the transfer.
  3. The teacher had an encounter with other students present in the room at the time.

You make the call.

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